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Guns - At the very first night of contact, the Orion man showed me an image of himself and with the gun by his side, and he told me that he has a gun. He told me about the gun about three times, and soon thereafter also told me that he has a guard there with him in his room. Since it seemed as if he was concerned of his safety around me, I assured him profusely that I was not going to cause him any harm, and the gun has not been shown nor mentioned again and we have had good relations ever since.

The gun is a handheld device constructed to have the working parts be encased in a white box type of thing. The gun is block-shaped. It has an area underneath on which to hold the device in one hand, and the gun itself lies above, like an upside down L-shape. It also appeared that the gun may have been attachable to his suit at the waist, perhaps there was even a belt or other receptacle there for it.

Spacecraft - The Orion people do have spacecraft with which they travel the distance from their home Orion to Earth. It appears that the spacecraft also serve as their home and research laboratory while here, but I will ask them to clarify that, since there are alternative theories among other contactees suggesting that reptilian ETs would live in hidden bases here on Earth. It is important to make no hasty assumptions.

I have seen mentally transferred images of both the outside and inside of their spaceships. It is difficult to judge the dimensions of their spacecraft since I have not seen them with a clear reference, meaning that if I were to for instance see them with a person standing nearby, I could judge its size by comparison to that reference of known size. But I would have to estimate the size to somewhere between being larger than a bus and being smaller than a cruise ship.

The spacecraft have the typical saucer shape. This shape implies three compartments to the structure: a top, a middle section, and a bottom. The top and bottom look the same as each other, and are bowl-shaped possibly with a flat bottom in that bowl, and are facing each other so that they enclose toward the middle section. The middle section is much wider than the top and bottom and is also flatter than they, having less height than either of the bowls. It just occurred to me what a reasonable internal configuration may be. I used to imagine that it was the middle section that was hollow and inhabited, but it makes more sense to imagine that the bowls map out the hollow, including that portion of the middle section that crosses them and leaving the extended areas of the middle section uninhabited. This might make the extension of the middle act as a part of balance or perhaps it takes part in distributing a force field. I am only guessing here.

One thing I can say about their spacecraft, stemming from my personal and possibly subjective experience of them. There was one instance when I felt the Orion men approach me mentally much closer than at other times, and this time I was also seeing the spacecraft more than at previous times. I got a strong sensory experience which I described as feeling like the dark of night, the black of space, blue, and strong magnetism. There is a strong distinct feeling associated to the spacecraft and I only know to call it magnetism. I would like to suspect that their spacecraft produce some type of "field" or emanation due to the mechanics of the craft.

The spacecraft appear to be made out of metal at least on the outside and have a beautiful metallic lustre. The spacecraft was shown to me in an image where it had landed, and it appeared to be resting on a tripod; three legs slightly leaning outward, as opposed to sitting with its base resting on the ground.

The rooms on the inside seem to have smooth vertical walls. Walls, ceiling and floors seem to be white. It has a very clean look to it. But I would have to see closer, and the appearance of white may have been due to the image being blurred.
