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Tarot Card Readings for Hamish 2020

November 10, 2020. I just got a new deck of Tarot cards and decided to do a reading about Hamish. The question I had for the cards was to describe Hamish, to tell me about him. I felt like picking five cards.

Card1. MajorsVI The Lovers. A choice is offered to you that could change everything. Listen to your heart's guidance. Follow the path of love.
Card2. Discs4. Greed, selfishness, fear of losing security.
Card3. Discs10. Breaking through limitations, victory, financial growth.
Card4. Wands5. Harmless challenge, a test of courage, ingenuity.
Card5. Swords10. The end of a bad time, release of failure, moving on.

I love how two of the cards have the red apples, to me they look like the red bumps on Hamish's skin, and both of those are a dragon picture card. The first card in fact is a red dragon, that looks like Hamish.

Overall a lot of the cards paint up a negative harsh overall, with words such as greed, selfishness, challenge, courage, bad time, release of failure. This matches well with how I perceive an aspect of Hamish's personality, he is a Draconian Reptile after all.