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Culture and Religion

Here let's take a look at the culture and religion of Hamish. To study and to understand something as a scientist, we take a step back and put our own human emotional responses and personal ethical judgements aside, so that we can see something for what it is, and not for what we are. The culture of Hamish is one that humans tend to scoff at and respond to with hate or fear, but in the interest of understanding Hamish, we can look at his world as a silent observer. If I am to convey to you the world of Hamish, I must do so impersonally, lest my description be tainted and twisted by the human perspective. How you then decide to feel about the world of Hamish, you can decide about for yourself.

What is Culture?
"Culture" are all the things that a population does that are somewhat of an arbitrary choice in behavior. "Culture" encompasses things like religion, clothing choices, music and art, language and body language, particular behaviors around food and eating, belief systems, practices, and behaviors. "Culture" are a set of behaviors that are not "set in stone", i.e. they could have been chosen, and done, differently.

Culture is fluid and dynamic and it changes as the population is exposed to new impressions from the environment, and when the environment places new challenges onto the population. Typically, culture arises from necessities. Many human behaviors around religion, marriage, beliefs around food, etc., are cultural beliefs and behaviors which "won" over all the other options, simply because these were the ones that helped this particular population excel the best in its particular environment.

A great example of "culture" is how different human populations view the role of women and women's rights. In northern European countries, women became perfectly equal to men, but women were also required to work alongside the men in these harsh environments where food was scarce and lots of physical labor was required. Families who adopted gender equality excelled better, than those who wanted women to stay home (and not be productive out in the field). Other human populations survived better by having women stay safe indoors and by having them focus on childcare and cooking. And so women in such countries are typically given a different role and consequent "rights". We humans tend to judge different cultures and criticize them based on the ethics that our own culture affords us.

Draconian culture is Power and Honor
Hamish belongs to the Draconian culture. Somewhere distant and far away, are the set of environmental pressors and challenges that once led to constructing the culture of Draconians. Sometimes a culture is developed some time in the past, and then sometimes even if environment changes as time passes, some populations adhere to their culture without wanting to "modernize". I am under the impression that Draconian culture is deeply rooted in their sense of identity, and that it originated long time ago, and being something that they seem unwilling to "modernize" or let go of, even if new external pressors may try to bend them into other directions, and give them new impressions, especially as they travel and meet new races, they are unwilling to adapt, to grow, and to change.

Draconian culture is strongly centered around a hierarchy of power and honor. Whereas human culture could typically be divided into many large classes or categories, such as food-culture, family and marriage-culture, music and art-culture, religion-culture, and many others, with many different categories represented to somewhat equal extents, my personal estimate is that ~90% of Draconian culture is based on the power hierarchy. The power hierarchy in their culture dictates in my impression a vast majority of their thoughts, behaviors, desires, and beliefs.

Physical traits can dictate rank
In their cultural power hierarchy, each individual Draconian is assigned its individual rank in the hierarchy. Rank seems to be based on racial/genetic provess and physical strength both. Certain inherited traits immediately promote an individual to a higher rank than what they would have otherwise. One such genetic trait is when a Draconian has the two rows of blunt bumps or horns that run each from above the eye across the top of the head. Hamish has these blunt bumps, and he has told me that these signify "royalty". Malik the Black One, he also has these blunt bumps. Whereas typical "snake-type Draconians" (who are more slender), lack these bumps, and correspondingly also occur with lower ranks than the "bumped" ones.

Another genetic trait is that Hamish has the turtleshell hump back. When other Draconians, in particular snake-type Draconians, see his back hump, it instantly instills them to honor and revere Hamish, based on the back hump alone. Draconians regard genetic make-up as highly significant, where individual and personal accomplishments and capabilities alone do not supercede the genetic benefits or disadvantages that one may have.

Another genetic trait which automatically leads to a higher position in rank, is to have scales. Any individual with scales, regardless of race (note that Draconians use the word "race" where we humans would use "species"), gains a higher position in rank. Hamish and the Draconians of course have scales that cover their skin. The Draconians look at other races, in particular the Dinosaurs, and note that those "do not have scales". Therefore by Draconian logic, the Dinosaurs are awarded an inferior position in rank based on the fact that they do not have scales. (The fact that the "despised upon" Orions have scale-type skin coverage has never been mentioned.)

The prestige of scales is so significant in the thoughts of Draconians, that Hamish even feels strong sentimentality toward our earthly lobsters, crawfish, centipedes, and other creatures with "scales". I am strictly forbidden from eating fish scales, crawfish, and from killing centipedes.

Strength for rank
The second factor that determines the rank given to an individual in the Draconian hierarchy system, is the physical strength of that individual. Draconians will fight and wrestle with each other so that they can measure strength and find out which of the two is the strongest. I have not seen a fight take place between Draconians so I do not know how violent these might be or how exactly they are acted out between Draconians. But I do know that Draconians take their position in hierarchy very seriously and they would not be willing to surrender their position willingly. Every Draconian covets a higher position.

The behavior reminds me of the schoolyard here on Earth where all the children want to be part of the "in-group", simply because "everyone has agreed that the in-group is the best". Such hierarchial systems are somewhat superficial and artificial, in that they only exist in the minds of its participants. Most of the Draconian hierarchy seems to result in such psychological perceived rewards, however power structures also award direct and practical consequences as well.

Much of the Draconian hierarchy exists in the minds of its Draconian participants, manifesting in great frustration and irritation to those in inferior positions as they covet the higher ranks, as well as giving a sense of pride and accomplishment to those in higher placement. But the consequences of hierarchy undoubtedly also manifest in physical reward. The higher ones are in charge and get to assign inferior ones to various work assignments and probably get to also direct the course of their entire population, deciding where they go and what they do, and in a way I suppose also acting as the major source of figuring out on behalf of all of them, who they are.

Racial wars
A major part of Draconian culture and history has involved "racial wars". The Draconians, and all the other species who tell me about the Draconians, talk a lot about the racial wars. Draconians seem to one way or another end up in war with other ET races. My impression is that it is not the war itself that they seek. Draconians could be described as highly selfish with a great sense of self-preservation. When they encounter another species or travel to another location, they look around and ask themselves, what here could we benefit from?

We humans have done the same throughout ages, as we traveled across the Earth and conquered other human populations and stole their natural resources and imposed our own culture and religion onto others.

I know this for a fact since I have witnessed it many times and invariably, that when the Draconians first encounter a new place, individual, or population, they start out by being actually rather friendly and charming, peaceful and courteous. They introduce themselves, they do not act violent, and they reach out as a friend. Draconians love to make new friends, and they welcome everybody to take part in their vision of what it means to be a Draconian in this universe. But when other races do not want to give away their resources to the Draconians, or when they do not agree that the Draconian race is genetically or otherwise superior and to be honored, that is when the Draconians get a temper. Such "disagreements" are a nuisance to them, and they think that the others are causing trouble, and need to be sorted out and persuaded.

To "persuade" an ET race to join them, Draconians will set up explosives on other planets, to cause earthquakes and make the planet uninhabitable. The native ET race will then have to "evacuate", and are referred to and refer to themselves as "refugees", who are then "taken in" by the Draconians. It almost comes to sound as if the Draconians then "rescued" the refugees, and that is how many different ET races come to live all under the same roof with the Draconian Agenda. Everybody has to join, the whole universe working toward the same goal, the Draconian goal. It is pure selfishness, racial supremacy, and complete disregard for the different individuality, beauty, and needs of other living things.

So, one would think that the Draconians must be thriving? If they are traveling the universe and accruing so many "friends" and resources wherever they go? The Draconians actually complain about being low in numbers and being ever close to being wiped out. The reason, they say, is racial wars. So the Draconians are in a constant quest to obtain more resources (such as food, minerals, and otherwise), but they also struggle with dwindling populations.

They "Honor" one another
Once everybody has been assigned its place in the hierarchy, there are a set of behaviors and customs around how one behaves around others. Draconians "Honor" those who are higher in position to themselves. Every time that a higher one is addressed, one must speak to them in a way that signifies that they are being "Honored".

Hamish The Elder has a fairly high rank in the hierarchy, but "The Black Ones" are higher than he. When Hamish addresses the Black Ones, he roars to them in the Draconian language, in the most deep and heartfelt way. The roar that he makes sounds both tragic and beautiful. I do not know the Draconian language, but it sounds like he is pleading for his life, as if he speaks from the very depths of his soul, as if telling the higher ones "I know that you are stronger than me, I know that with your strength you could injure and kill me, but please do not do that, I promise to Honor you; I know that my life is meaningless to you, but please let me live, I will Honor you". It makes me cry when I hear Hamish say "my Honored" in the Draconian roar.

Draconians despise those who are higher in rank than themselves, because being in high rank is of such perceived importance that for someone else to be higher is a nuisance. Hamish is annoyed with the Black Ones for that reason, and Snake the Draconian seems to feel annoyance about his superiors Hamish and the Black Ones. Draconians do not put up an act of admiring or appreciating their superiors. They all know that nobody likes for someone else to be higher, and they don't pretend otherwise either.

They include me into their power behavior
Draconians behaving among one another in their Draconian fashion is interesting in itself. But an entirely separate thing is how will they behave with other species? Some animals here on Earth will only express their species' behaviors with members of their own species, perhaps requiring the trigger of seeing a familiar color, or beak, or scent, so that the behavior can be triggered and expressed, whereas other species will not be included in this behavior. Humans interestingly have a choice. We can choose whether we treat other animals "like people", or whether we want to try to understand the animal's behaviors instead and mimic theirs, or mask ours.

Before I got to meet the Draconians, I would have expected them to be some highly advanced alien race, and part of my assumptions of this, I would have expected them to keep their own Draconian behaviors to themselves, as something private. Because a species' behavior is very personal and unique and is more likely to not resonate in the other species encountered. It is more civil and courteous to hide one's own uniqueness, in an attempt and outreach to other species. There is a way of acting reserved and neutral, so that two species could somehow meet one another in the encounter.

But Draconians actually express their own unique culture to others! And I find that to be quite charming. It's like when a dog wags its tail to us, or a cat hisses at us. When animals can just be themselves and they don't think about the fact that we are humans. We love when animals treat us as one of their own, when they recognize us as "just another dog", or "just another horse". We love that meeting with another species when they can look at us and see us as one of them. It makes our heart warm.

That is why I love it when the Draconians express their own body language, culture and ideas with me. They don't keep those things secret or private and hidden from me. They don't somehow intellectualize themselves in the encounter, they don't impersonalize themselves. They are completely unbashful about their unique forms of expression, and that is why I can feel that they let me in so close to them. I get to see a genuine heartfelt Draconian. I love that they include me into their thoughts of culture and expression.

But, part of being seen by the Draconians as, basically "just another Draconian, but this one without scales", is that I too have to be part of the hierarchy system just like everybody else.

Each Draconian individual whom I have met, has done the "power conquest" with me. This is when a Draconian does a quick wrestle to see who is the strongest. It's funny to me because I am a woman and my belief systems and background make me think that I am obviously in an inferior position nor would I ever think to challenge someone and try to win their higher position. But the Draconians look at me and they choose to wrestle me based on their ideas.

The Draconians are very strong so obviously I always lose the battle and the Draconian declares himself the winner. And so as far as he and I are concerned, he is the superior and I the inferior. And from then on, I am instructed to "Honor" the Draconian superior, and if I "forget" they remind me that I forgot to Honor. It is enough for me to say "my Honored" in every sentence that I direct to Hamish or to Malik. Interestingly, even though Snake the Draconian won over me in the conquest, Hamish forbids me from Honoring Snake, because Snake is inferior to Hamish and Hamish instills his superiority to Snake by having me not honor Snake.

Draconian Religion
The Draconians have a mythological concept which I would classify as a "religious belief system". The Draconian religion ties hand-in-hand with their hierarchial power system, as religions often serve to reinforce other culturally important beliefs and practices, here in the Draconians we see that also.

Yellow Pyramid
Draconians use symbolism, and their symbol for their power structure is the yellow pyramid. It is a three-dimensional pyramid, as opposed to a flat two-dimensional one. It symbolizes a hierarchial structure, in that "things at the base of the pyramid are larger in numbers", and "those that are at the top are fewer". The "top is also higher in position", whereas "the base is lower". These two concepts are illustrated by the pyramid and reflect also on how the power system works.

I wonder as to the origin of their choice of pyramid as their symbol. Did they once have a pyramid-shaped building or structure in their home, that served as the symbol? How did they reason their way into having this symbol? I do however have a good theory as to why their pyramid is yellow. The Draconian eyes are yellow, and Draconians have indicated to me various other interests in things that are of the yellow color. My educated guess is that the pyramid is yellow because their eyes are. So in a way their choice of color suggests that the pyramid is linked with their world of thoughts, their senses of perception, and how they see the world, because the eyes are elements of such.

The Eye
Another symbol of equal importance is the eye that sits on top of the pyramid. Draconians on occasion show me mental images of their yellow pyramid and it comes accompanied with their image of the eye on top of it. The eye is shown as a real, live, flesh eye, however it is not a Draconian eye, in that it is not yellow and it does not have the vertical slit. The eye looks to be alive and it looks around quite a lot. As shown, it is a creepy eye for a human to see. There is no associated head or other parts of a creature. The eye has upper and lower eyelid, and no eyelashes or eyebrow. The eyelid has a brownish coloration and does not have scales. It is also not a human eye.

The Draconians have interesting emotions regarding their eye. One would assume that the eye would instill feelings of power and ruthlessness in par with their otherwise power-fixated behaviors and beliefs, yet the eye seems to instill feelings of reverence, calm, and trust. They believe that the eye is the all-seeing eye, and it somehow guides them. I have never seen a Draconian have feelings of power (and here the Black One came to talk about the eye; I was going to say that I had never seen a Draconian have feelings of power in conjunction with thoughts of the eye, and that the eye only seems to instill feelings of calm and reverence in the Draconians),

"It is not evil." - the Black Draconian says right now about the eye
"Then why are you evil?" - I ask
"We don't want you to know." - says black Draconian
"Thank you for telling me." - I say
"What is the eye? Where is it?" - me
"It is in our head. It is in our mind." - Draconian
"Why do you think about it?" - me
"It says to us what we need to do." - Draconian
"What does it tell you? What has it said to you? What things does it say?" - me
"It tells us about power here." - black Draconian
"Do you love the eye?" - me
"No! You stupid woman. And also, it does not instill feelings of reverence." - black Draconian
"Can you tell me more about the eye?" - me
"Yes, it makes us feel powerful." - black Draconian
"Why is there an interview now?" - Hamish asks
"I am asking about the eye. The eye on top of the pyramid. Why am I scared of the eye?" - me
"Well, because you are not a Draconian, with us." - black
"Are you scared of the eye?" - me
"Yes, always." - black, not the answer I was expecting
"It doesn't make us want to commit suicide!" - Snake
"What do you call the eye? Does it have a name? Or how would you describe it?" - me
"The Father." - black
"Is it, religion?" - me
"No, you fool!" - black
"Then what is it? What is the eye?" - me
"We are, bleeding with it." - black
"What do you mean?" - me
"Do you talk with the eye?" - me
"No, but we are brothers with it." - black
"Does it exist? Or is it in your mind?" - me
"The Draconian mind, is not capable of having compassion." - Hamish
"I understand that. I know. And, I am not capable of feeling power or wanting to be honored by others. We are two different species, we feel differently. I want to understand Draconians. I think you are beautiful." - me
"Yes, we are not compassionate." - black
"I know that, my Honored." - me
(September 2, 2012)

I try to remain cautious when I make assumptions to understand and interpret the Draconians. I like to leave things as a question rather than jump to conclusions. I really fear making the wrong conclusions in this study of them. Yet I still manage to fumble into misunderstandings. They are a rather intricate species to always understand and comprehend. Here I had somehow come to the impression that they feel reverence toward their eye symbol, yet the Black One tells me that this is not how they feel. Perhaps in spite of my best attempts I am incompetent at understanding them accurately.

But what I find interesting is to wonder whether their symbol of the eye indicates to the concept of self-realization, when an individual, or in this case their entire population, finds itself becoming aware. What is the conscious sentient person within the head of a Draconian, behind those yellow eyes with vertical slits, that finds itself within the frame of a scaly body, belonging to a system of hierarchy? In what way do they find themselves, and one another, as conscious sentient beings? Does the eye somehow symbolize this discovery of being a sentient species? Is it just a symbol of their own seeing the world?

I would definitely classify the Draconians as a species that has yet more to learn in terms of sentience and awareness of oneselves and of others, for instance I must believe that compassion and tolerance of other cultures would be a natural consequence of higher achievement in the ability to think and to be aware, something in which they are even self-admittedly completely lacking. So they have got more to learn to see, and in that, I find their use of the eye as an important symbol, to be something charming indicative of things yet to come that they cannot at this time even imagine.

If awareness is what makes us alive, perhaps the Draconians like many other species, think about consciousness, and that the eye symbolizes not only their present consciousness, but I must think that they think of the eye as a symbol of there being more consciousness out there, yet for them to realize.

Draconians imprint their religion onto others
Draconians are not humble about their own thoughts and behavior, in that they express themselves naturally with other species, without adopting some sort of neutral impersonal exterior. Rather, they not only express their own individuality, they also impart this onto other species. For instance by asking other races to join their cause, and to give resources such as food to them. Another thing naturally that Draconians impart from themselves onto others, is their religion and religious symbolism.

Yellow pyramid upside-down
One example which I find fascinating is that the normal tip-up yellow pyramid symbolizes the Draconian way of life and power hierarchy system, and they have made the inverse of the pyramid signify a defiance against their power system. The Alpha Orion people have refused to succumb to Draconian tyranny, and so the Draconians (who still keep "defiant" Orions working for them), are made to wear white uniforms which have the imprinted two-dimensional symbol of an upside-down yellow pyramid on the chest. This is given to the Orions to make them feel ashamed of not having joined, not that the Orions are ashamed of their choice.

In fact the Draconians are curious about any uses of the pyramid symbol. For instance I study sciences at college and in one of my courses we are using what is called the Del operator. It happens to be an upside-down pyramid. When I first started the course, the Draconians were very curious about what was the significance of this "inverse power symbol". I had to explain to them that it had got nothing to do with power or hierarchy or with them at all.

Ancient Egyptian and related religions
And here is a concept that most of you human readers will find very difficult to accept, but there is a close tie between Ancient Egyptian mythology and religion with the Draconian religion. Some say that Draconians gave religion to the Egyptian society, personally due to lack of conclusive information from my Draconians themselves, I remain undecided as to whether Draconians created Ancient Egyptian religion, or whether Draconians were simply very keen on it due to similarities to their own, but I am leaning toward Draconians having created it.

There are several other Earth-based mythologies and religions which I do know from my Draconians that these were in fact constructed by the Draconians and handed to humans. Interestingly these all seem to feature the yellow pyramid and similar Ancient Egyptian-Draconian symbolisms.

One of these is the works of Aleister Crowley, Earth's most well-known and influential Satanist who also created or promoted the "religion" of Thelema, with heavy influences from Ancient Egyptian mythology. Another Draconian creation was Hitler and Nazi Germany, and as we all know Hitler was very keen on mythologies and probably also the Ancient Egyptian (Draconian) one. Draconians either took part in the construction of, or just take an interest in, the Free Masons and Rosicrucians. The back of a United States one dollar bill features the Draconian power symbol of the pyramid with the eye on top. Draconians take a great interest in leadership figures on Earth and want to impart power and influence over human societies.

With their strong cultural identity and unbashful perspective of supremacy, the Draconians have had huge cultural and historical presence also here on Earth, lending influence ranging from ancient civilizations to several modern concepts including Hitler and Nazi Germany, and also the many Dragon Cults of China and Japan, and they still meddle with today's political, royal, and military systems.

Satanism and Occultism
From my contacts with my Draconians I have learned something very important. There are "Draconian Reptiles", and then there are "the Black Ones". The Black Ones are actually demonic Satanic entities, and they have placed themselves as the superior leadership of the Draconian Reptile populations. It is from this position of power that the Black Ones rule over Draconian Reptiles. Satanism and Occultism comes directly from the Black Ones.

I learned about Aleister Crowley from the Black One. The Black One wanted me to read Crowley's books, and arranged so that a friend of mine delivered three of those books to me. The Black Ones are very powerful and they can easily play around with humans and make us do what they want, that is how they can cause a human to bring me books and to talk about a particular topic. The Black Ones also rule Draconian Reptiles and make them do Satanic acts.

The Black One insisted that I read the Crowley books, and he even told me to take the drug "Mescaline" when I read them. (I neither read the books nor took the drug.) The Black One was going to teach me how to make a pentagram on my floor, though he sighed, that "how am I to learn to make a pentagram, when I don't even drive a car".

This website is about Hamish my Red Dragon Turtle. The Black One is Hamish's boss. Not because Hamish chose to, but because this is the world he lives in. Hamish is very afraid of the Black Ones. Hamish used to hide under my bed, and I would see the Black One standing on my bedroom floor. When the Black One comes close I feel like I am being pulled into Hell. When the Black One comes too close into my mind, I know that if I let him stay I would lose my mind and go insane. (Aleister Crowley's wives all went insane.) Hamish tries to protect me from the Black One. The Black One gives Hamish a lot of trouble. Often I wish I could take Hamish away from there.

Hamish is a sweetheart. He is sweet and gentle, caring and considerate with me. But such is the world of Hamish, he lives in a power culture based on the hierarchy. The Draconians work toward a common goal of world supremacy, power, and conquest. I have to wonder what extent of their culture and religion stems from the minds of the Draconian Reptiles themselves, and what then comes from the Black Ones? But such is the world that the Draconians live in, this is their culture and religion.
