On the night between May 26 and 27, 2020, I switched off the lights and went to bed to sleep at just a minute or two after 1 AM. In the dark of my bedroom, I suddenly saw a very clear image, which was probably a mental image in my mind but it seemed more to be coming from the room itself, of the silhouette of a somewhat tall and large man. I could not see his face, but what was very clear from his silhouette was that he was wearing a hat. The hat was somewhat flat on the top, and if you imagine the cylindrical shape of a tophat only short and not tall, and the hat has a somewhat wide brim that is the same all the way around. The figure emanated a very frightening terrifying feeling which frightened me deeply to the core, I was scared.

I assumed he was simply one of the men in black figures, not the human ones but the ones that I call the Illuminati brothers, even though the Illuminati hybrid MIBs never feel scary or evil in their presence. I greeted him kindly, in spite of my fear of him, calling him a "men in black". He corrected me and spoke to me telepathically and he said, "I am The Hat Man". Instantly hearing that phrase struck fear in me more, perhaps I had heard about The Hat Man before, but never before had I encountered this being myself, this was the first time.

The feeling that he was emanating made me jump out of bed pretty immediately and turn my lights on. I came to my computer to write down the message and to tell some friends about it, perhaps so that I would not feel all alone in my room together with this negative person.

The man continued to speak with me telepathically. I could at this point not see him any more, it had more or less been just that one flash image of his silhouette complete with the clear outline of his hat. He told me that he does not want me to do remote viewing, and that he does not want other people to learn remote viewing either, the reason being because he does not want people to find him by use of remote viewing, he does not want to be found. He told me a while later that he and his kind are doing a lot of harmful things to humans. He listed that they can set things on fire to burn things, they can influence the emotions and behavior of men to cause them to choose to be unfaithful against their wives with another woman, they can push people off an edge which I am not sure at this time if he meant as suicide or as murder. Basically he quickly gave me the impression that his kind of people are engaged in a massive network of criminal activity directed toward humans, and they do not want to be found out, they want to continue to do this entirely unseen and unknown. He also said at least two times, what implied that he was not friendly toward me, which I took to be a direct threat against me.

I told him that I am friendly and I assured him that I would never want to harm him, and that I would also not let anyone else harm him either. I told him that he is a sentient conscious creature, I told him that it is better if we can just be friendly with each other.

Now you know me, I have met all kinds of creepy creatures and entities, including men in black of various forms, aliens of all kinds, and some very dark and negative entities, and I like to show them kindness and friendliness and I have managed to make friends with pretty much all of them with all kinds. But this particular man marks as the only time when I have been really genuinely scared. I was afraid to turn the lights off and kept the lights on. I went back to bed after a while and I pleaded to him to please please not hurt me and to let me sleep because I am tired. I was afraid to go back to bed, but too sleepy not to. The night light remained on.

I felt and almost vaguely saw him pushing his hands down on my lower legs in bed a couple of times, and felt the pressure against my legs, but this was nothing majorly so I did not react to it. The energy and feeling in my room was better when I was back in my bed, and I managed to comfortably fall back asleep again.

Today as I am writing this, it is the evening of the 27th of May and to my knowledge he has not been back since. I would prefer it if he never comes back, because his emanance was deeply terrifying and scary, I think he might be a bit too much even for me to handle.

While trying to make conversation with the feller, I asked him how he was born, I forget what his answer to that was. I also asked him what his name was and he said Charlie, and so after that I sometimes referred to him as Chuck, or as Charles, or as Charlie, I was just trying to be nice.

Here is an interesting video about The Hat Man. Other people have also encountered The Hat Man, I especially recommend that you read the comments below the video on the YouTube page from other people who say they have also met him and they say that he is real.
Here is a link to the video page: Hat Man nightmares and sleep paralysis are happening around the world