On October 16, 2018 I was contacted by an extraterrestrial which is a light blue color and has small pointy ears, it as an individual or perhaps even as a group oppose the yellow pyramid group of aliens. This blue alien then told me that I should see the aliens that are around me, meaning the yellow pyramid aliens, and that is when my mental vision was activated and I was seeing in my home the alien which is described on this page as a possibly new species or subspecies of Alpha Draconian Reptilians. The story of the blue alien is here.

The alien that was in my home would best be described as a red Reptilian. And no this one was not my Hamish because this one did not have the pairs of head buttons or back hump for example, plus a large number of other differences also.

This Reptilian is about the same size as me, so about the size of a human woman. He walks upright on two legs, and he has two arms. He also has a long tail which looks to be a bit heavy and which seemed to rest against the floor. Notably his head looks very "soft", that is why I have given this type of Reptilian the name "soft Alpha Draconian". Something about what the head looks like makes me think that it would be like a soft mushroom and that it would be vulnerable, like a softball looking texture. The head is also very blunt at the back of the head. The chin or jawline does not protrude a lot far from the head and is a bit close to the neck.

The neck is thick and large. I was able to see one remarkable anatomical detail very clearly and for a long time, namely that on its chest are two breasts, not like enlarged woman's breasts but two clear to see breasts, the portion that defines the underside of each breast closer to the middle is a thick portion like a chunk as you can see with the shading I have drawn there, that shading would appear there on the Reptilian as well.

The Reptilian wore no clothes. Notably it has two white lower eyelids which appear thick and almost seemed to me like artificial lenses out of thick white plastic material. Now and then those lower white eyelids would slide upward across its eyes, both the same amount in a symmetric fashion, diagonally up to cover up to perhaps about a third of the eyes, they would not stay that way for long before they would retreat back to not being seen and under the eyes. I have drawn these white lower eyelids on the drawing.

This Reptilian was absolutely delightful to have in my home as my guest. I should have written down our entire conversation but now have to rely entirely on memory. He told me that he was from Alpha Draconis, and so I named this species or race "soft Alpha Draconian" and I list him under the group of species "Reptilians". I have also added him to "Agenda" species because I can assume that he is part of the Agenda group, one reason for that assumption is that the blue alien had wanted me to see yellow pyramid (Agenda) aliens and then I was shown this one, and also since this Reptilian is from Alpha Draconis one can assume, so it is just an assumption at this point but would probably turn out to be right.

I had a small shopping bag sitting on the bench in my hallway here at home, and it contained from earlier that day's shopping one big glass bottle of spring water and two mangoes and the receipt. The Reptilian peeked into my shopping bag and referred to it, I think it was in my other language, as "a bag of snacks" and I think he also told me that "he knew" what was in my "bag of snacks". He was very curious of the mangoes, those were two small mangoes and when I saw him in the mental image he was holding each of the small red mangoes one in each of his hands against his chest and then walking into the kitchen with them. I do not think that the mangoes could have physically left the bag, and also when I looked into the bag later the mangoes were still there as before.

The Reptilian walked into my kitchen and was very curious about inspecting the foods that I have there. He noticed that my foods were grasses or vegetable foods, I forget how he said that. I told him that if humans eat meat then they get cancer. When I said that about cancer I could feel the emotions from the Reptilian that he felt deeply distressed and upset, so I had to calm him down, I had not meant for him to feel fearful, I told him that humans were meant to eat vegetable foods and mostly raw uncooked foods, but as I mentioned again that humans get ill and get cancer and die early from eating meats he felt agitated from the mention of that. I was not familiar with a Reptilian responding with what I must call "empathy" like this before. I would still go as far as guessing that the empathy would be linked to a fear of his own health, his mind might need to calculate whether he himself might be in danger, even though he knew that I was talking about humans. I regretted having said anything, because I did not want him to have to feel that way, but as we changed topics to other things and carried on our conversation he was feeling calm and back to his normal self soon again.

I forget what we talked about but we said a few things and the visit was absolutely wonderful. I said nice things to him of course, I always let my Reptilians know that they are welcome. One thing he told me is that the sun here on Earth is too strong for his eyes and that if the sunlight here gets into his eyes then his eyes would turn "all white". After he said that I had noticed now and then that he has white thick eyelids that cover part of the eyes sometimes, I had to wonder to myself if perhaps those lower eyelids would cover his eyes fully if there is too much strong sunlight in his eyes, though at first when he had said that I had been worried that his eyes turning all white would mean a permanent damage like a burning of his eyes. It might actually just be his white eyelids covering the eyes. But nonetheless, I recommended to him that he stays safe and is careful with the sunlight and I think we both agreed that it is better that he visits at night when it is dark.

When he told me that he was from Alpha Draconis he showed me a mental image which I immediately recognized because I have been shown the planet at Alpha Draconis many times before from Reptilians. The ground has a thick yellow sand, the air is also filled with yellow powder dust and has a yellow color. There are thick primitive looking fern trees, sandy hills, and some small ponds or lakes.

It was a wonderful visit and I count this lovely Reptile as one of my dear friends close to my heart.

He is not the first Reptilian that I have encountered whom I would say has the "soft head". I have seen blue colored ones also, they too have the same build and shape just a different skin color and are different individuals.