Mysterious Blonde Man


On April 7, 2020, I had contacted first Arcturians telepathically, and then Andromedans, and that led to an Ummo to say hello through that contact. And a moment later, another figure would say hello through that open channel, it was a man who would tell me that he is from the inner Earth.

The man looks almost exactly like a real human, though one might think that he looks a little bit out of the ordinary, but he would still pass as a real human. I would describe him as neither tall nor short. He has a beige but not pale skin color. His hair is blonde, not a platinum white blonde but a yellow blonde. His hair was unusually thick and dense, he had a short haircut so there was no hair hanging over his ears in tufts, no hair to his shoulders or longer. The hair was very wavy curly with large thick dense waves. He really had gorgeous beautiful hair. I forget what his eye color might have been, but at least not very dark brown.

He had a narrow and long nose with a bony defined look and a pointy tip of the nose, so this was not a typical nose of early Pleiadian forms, not an Asian nose, not an African nose, it could only be described as one variant of a European nose, but also as a European nose not a very average one. He did have two ears like humans, two eyes with whites on the eyes and colored irises and I presume also darker pupils, and he had a mouth with lips. His lips were thin not thick or full, and if I recall correctly his lips would be colored a pale pink.

One striking feature about him, is that if he were a human, he could only have been the kind of European man who is in his 50's and wakes up early every morning to do a marathon morning workout exercise by dragging a sleigh and going out on the skis to traverse the frozen lake, before coming home to have a sauna and some breakfast. The only humans who look like him are the kind of men who do incredible everyday workout exercise, one of those incredible kind of men who work out like otherwise only someone in their 20's could manage to do but is in his 50's and thinks it is normal, one of those older kind of men who thinks it is normal to do some mountain climbing or to go swimming in the ice water. He looked like he could have been in his 50's or much older, yet he looks incredibly fit, healthy and strong.

He is very slender and skinny, yet not in a famined kind of way but strong. He looks like he does not have the slightest bit of excess body fat. He looks like someone who eats very healthy and takes his vitamins and minerals. His face does not have any of the roundness or bloatedness that is customary of humans who eat an unhealthy diet. His cheekbones and bone structure is clearly visible and defined, both on his face and also on his body, the cheeks are sunken in and the cheekbones stand out, and also his nose looks very pointy and chiseled. And so he does not look like an ordinary man.

I would also describe his appearance that he is exceptionally handsome. He looks like what could only be imagined from a distant European past from legends of Greek Gods or beautiful Medieval or ancient superhuman Europeans. Looking at him he feels ancient and - this will be hard to explain - he feels like a real human, as if we were the ones who are not real humans.

And so he is like a human but still not. One imagines that his people might have been Europeans once and then isolated themselves from the humans who remained on the surface Earth and that they remained beautiful and pristine whereas we on the surface decayed genetically. He is quite clearly a better version of humans, far more healthy, but also more beautiful.

As he contacted me, I could see him clearly in a mental image, and we were able to talk with each other telepathically. Seeing him was amazing. It was as if I recognize him to be a human, yet he is like an angel or a superhuman. Seeing him felt as if I had known him always, even though I saw him for the first time, it was like seeing the human species, but as a long lost cousin, and in that it was a wonderful reunion and it felt like this piece falls into its place in the order of things.

There is more to the experience of seeing the inner Earth man, that I would like to try to explain, even though I lack the reference and the words to describe it, but let me try. Their genetics is wonderful, superhuman, better than ours, and so seeing him is to see a better human than we are, and it is incredible to see that, it brings such joy to me to know that human potential can be so much more than us. It is almost like seeing an ape man and then seeing a human, but here we go even one more step forward to see the inner Earth man and then we are the ape. They are glorious and godlike, healthy and beautiful, and they shine like in a gold, not just because of their golden colored hair, but they feel like gold feels.

At the same time I feel so excited because it is like meeting a new type of human. On surface Earth we have basically dark Africans, white Europeans, Asians, I guess also Australian Aboriginals, and so meeting the inner Earth people is like getting to meet yet another type of human that is brand new for me to see. Even though they look like Europeans, sort of, they are far more than Europeans, they are super-Europeans and we surface Europeans are minor. I don't worship them or anything, I just admire them and it brings me such joy to see that human potential can be so great and wonderful as they are. They are so much better than us! And so beautiful.

They feel like gods and kings. They feel like legends of fairytales from ancients, like ancient Greek gods or ancient European stories about kings with golden hair. Seeing them is amazing because I can feel and see their genetics, if that even makes sense. They are just absolutely wonderful, like humans made from gods and angels and gold.

I asked him something which then had him answer my question with that they are 200,000 years old as a people. I said wow, surface humans think that 200,000 years ago we were still apes. I could feel that he does not believe in that, but he did not tell me his version of history. So this means that we are either wrong or being lied to about our human history.

When I asked him in what language he would like us to speak, and I offered him Swedish, German, and English as options, he chose German but said that he can understand all languages. I said how is that possible. He said that surface humans used to be able to do that too but we were altered by the Pleiadians on purpose so that we would no longer be able to, and so I learn that Pleiadians have deliberately made a pre-existing human surface Earth population unable to speak all languages, in order to weaken us, and it had something to do with wars and it was not done by the Pleiadians as a kind act.

I had the impression that inner Earth humans are the humans who were not altered by Pleiadians, and we who are on the surface are then perhaps an inner Earth type of human which was altered by Pleiadians. I did not interview the inner Earth man to ask him more questions.

I may have seen Norwegian people on a few occasions who resemble this type of man.

I have met an Inner Earth man in real life

When I was about 5 years old I met a mysterious man who seemed to have appeared out of thin air, and I would meet him again several more times when I was a teenager or in my early 20's. Please read about those encounters here on the page about him, The Mysterious Blonde Man. The inner Earth man of April 7, 2020, gave me a mental image of a train, and then of this man from my past, and explained that I have met them before, meaning that this man I had met was an inner Earth man, which explains a lot. These are however not the same individual.

And so the mysterious telepathic man who looks Germanic or Scandinavian who used to show up in real life and told me telepathically that they are watching me turns out to be an inner Earth man.

I also recall having had a dream some months ago where I found a city under ground which was said to be an inner Earth city, but I will have to find those notes to make sure, also that one was a dream at night so that is different.

See also news page # 71 for the original entry about the encounter with the inner Earth man, http://orionmindproject.com/news71.html dated April 7, 2020. Also see the page about the mysterious blonde man for notes I made there.