the old Draconian race

Most of us are familiar with the Reptilian aliens, but those are almost always what I call the "modern Draconian Reptilians". There is a race that is called "the old Draconian race", they are Dragon Turtles. Dragon Turtles, just like modern Draconian Reptilians, also say that they were genetically created by the Master Race which are Bird People.

Dragon Turtles

Modern Draconian Reptilians seem to always stand upright tall, but the natural body posture of the old Draconian race is to have a hunched posture with the back arched, I call it the "camel posture". But Dragon Turtles can also choose to stand upright tall when they want to.

Dragon Turtles are rather large, about the size of a horse or a cow. When they stand upright they are surprisingly tall and large compared to an adult human. They come in two different colors. They are either a very striking fire engine red color, or they are a dull mustard yellow. There used to be dark blue ones, but those were killed off for having the wrong color. They consider the red color in both themselves and in other things that they see around them, to be a color that is showing power. When something is red in color, they think that it is saying to everyone that it is the dominant and powerful one in charge. The mustard yellow color is not regarded as a dominating color. Hamish, my red Dragon Turtle, considers red to be a color of power, and he regards yellow to be a very attractive and pretty color. He feels angry and provoked by things that are red, and he thinks that things that are yellow are pretty in color.

Dragon Turtles have a large prominent hump back on their back. It looks like a turtle shell but is a fleshy cushion. They know that their hump back is clearly visible and on display when they are having their natural camel posture. They love to have others see their back. The back is a status symbol, they expect that any creature that sees their back will instantly agree that the Dragon Turtle is an honored species worthy of admiration and an elevated rank. Sometimes Hamish tells me that he has been fighting, but then turns out all that he has
been doing was showing someone his back, that is how he wins most of his contests with other Reptilians. When other Reptilians, who do not have the hump back, see Hamish, they are always stricken with awe to see the old Draconian race, they say that old Draconians are rare to see, and they always understand the meaning of their hump back being something to honor. Modern Reptilians treat Hamish with a great deal of respect and admiration.

Hamish will flex his back hump by leaning downward, arching his back, and raising his elbows. Flexing the back hump is a way to say without words that he has got the power. He has told me to honor his back hump, and he has also told me to watch out for his back hump. He tells me to watch out for his back hump either out of concern because it occasionally carries thorns that might injure me, or as a display of dominance.

I had a small shower room at college and Hamish would of course follow me in there so that we could be together. Instead of backing out the way that he came in, he insisted on trying to twirl his big body around. It was a very tight squeeze and I would end up seeing him rubbing his back hump on the sharp edge of the shower door handle. It looked like a big bear scratching its back on a tree, and so every time that I saw Hamish scraping his back hump all excited up and down on the shower door handle, I got excited and loved it so. Only months if not a year later when we (we!) were no longer living there did Hamish out of the blue mention that he "used to get his back hump caught stuck on the shower door all the time". So turns out he was getting stuck and here I was thinking it was funny and delightful. I felt very ashamed, what a misunderstanding!

The head is on a long tubular neck, the face is on the end of the neck and the head does not bulge out so it looks like a sock puppet which is why I call Hamish by the pet name Sock Turtle, from Sock Puppet and Dragon Turtle combined. They have two round bulging eyes that are all yellow with a brown vertical slit for a pupil. There are two nostrils and they have a mouth. Dragon Turtles have no teeth. Inside their mouth are flaps which they use to move the food around in their mouth.

The arms are long, thin and rigid and point straight forward in the normal position. They have three fingers on each hand, and at least one of the fingers has a hook-shaped claw which it uses to dig out edible organs from the inside of the body of a prey through a small hole in its abdomen. Dragon Turtles do not use their hands to pick up things with or to carry things, instead they use their feet, and sometimes their mouth.

Dragon Turtles do not have a skeleton. The legs are also thin. The feet are flat webbed duck feet. The underside of their feet is more sensitive to touch than human hands. They feel things out and touch things with their feet. They enjoy the sensation of soft fabrics and rugs underneath their feet.

Dragon Turtles have a tail, the tail does not move around like the tail of a dog or a cat would. Some Dragon Turtles, such as Hamish, have blunt buttons on their head. Starting from above the eyes and all the way along the back of the long neck, Hamish has a total of eight pairs or sixteen blunt orange buttons. He only shows off the buttons when he is angry and is reprimanding someone. The blunt buttons "signify royalty".

At least some Dragon Turtles grow a row of evenly spaced black spikes along the back hump. Those are of course a sign of strength and power, and Dragon Turtles that have them feel mighty and powerful. Hamish's black back spikes are plucked away by the other aliens. It saddens him to not get to keep them. The black thorns are removed since they would display too much power, more power than Hamish has been awarded in the hierarchy, and he becomes too arrogant and too much of a bully if he has them.

Hamish has what he calls "goosebumps", he says he inherited those from his father. Goosebumps are zits of different sizes that grow along his forearms and on the back hump, they are covered by thin sheer skin and contain a sticky neon-orange fluid that oozes out when the goosebumps rupture. When Hamish has a den that he spends a lot of time in, the surfaces of the place tend to end up being covered in this ooze and it leaves a funky smell and atmosphere that just feels like Hamish lives there. The purpose of the goosebumps could be self defense since an attacker would be covered in that sticky fluid, but I also suspect it to be a marker of his territory, because it leaves a very special "feel" and "look" that somehow just looks and feels like "Hamish", also it glows neon orange in the dark so it might mark out his territory, but those are just my speculations.


There are male and female Dragon Turtles. Females are smaller than males, females also have more dainty or feminine body proportions such as a thinner neck and more slender torso. Females also have a back hump.

There is a mating call which Dragon Turtles use, it consists of a series of two clicks, each at a different pitch, if Hamish says it out in English words he says Tik Tok. If a female is willing to mate, she will lay her body down flat so that the male can step up on her lower back. The male will then step up and down with his flat duck feet massaging her lower back, it "prepares the eggs". Males have a slender pink penis which is narrow on the end, it is normally on the inside of his body and not visible. As far as I know about Reptilians, they penetrate only once, and the whole thing is quickly over with. Females lay approximately eight eggs that are about the size of 1.3-1.8 hen eggs, meaning, larger than the size of one hen egg, but smaller than the size of two hen eggs. The eggs have a shell that is softer than the shell of bird eggs. The color of the egg is beige and has a dark green camouflage pattern on it like if painted on with a sponge.

Dragon Turtles are keen nest builders. Hamish has built many nests over the years even though he does not have eggs in them. He chooses small soft bathroom rugs and places his shedded scales that he washes and dries and arranges on the rug. He will stomp on the scales and arrange them and stands for hours quite happily on the nests, sometimes he lies down on the nests too. He has built many nests in my homes where I have lived, he also has nests in forests. He forbids me from standing on his nest rugs and once even pushed me off his rug. I am also not allowed to wash his nest rugs because then they lose his smell. I have not seen that the female Dragon Turtle would actually lie on the eggs that she has laid, but she stays nearby watching them. The male Dragon Turtle also visits the nest of eggs very often, Hamish says that "the eggs smell right", so the eggs have a natural baby smell that makes the parents want to stay close.

When the eggs hatch, and Hamish calls those "hatch-its", the babies look like miniature adults in body proportions and color. Newly hatched are fearless and brave, they snap and bite at anything that moves looking for food, and parents talk to them and teach them things. Hamish used to tell his hatch-its that he was in charge, that he was the dominant one.


Dragon Turtles originate from the Alpha Draconis forests. They lived in the forests that had tall fern trees and short fern tree plants on the ground, and they did not live in houses and as far as I know they did not use any built material artefacts such as clothes, plates, chairs, and the only crafted thing they seem to have had are the nests they build out of natural materials. So they are more like "animals" than like "people".

Dragon Turtles have an instinct that makes them want to be dominant and to have a high rank. The strongest Dragon Turtle becomes the leader. They lived in "wolfpacks" of I would estimate to between 30 to 50 individuals, the one leader would run at the front and all the others would cluster around very closely body against body behind him, not in a trail but in a cluster, and they would blindly follow his lead. They would hunt together for animals.

Hamish's favorite food is liver, he can also eat kidneys. He might also be able to eat spleen and placenta. Reptilians, including Hamish, are able to eat fish gut trimmings, but Hamish does not want to eat that because it makes his poo oily, sticky and messy. Even when he does not eat fish bits, the poo is already soft cow patties. Dragon Turtles also urinate. Whenever I change my bedsheets and pile up the old sheets on the floor, Hamish gets very happy he says "Yes!" and goes to stomp on the pile of sheets with his flat feet, then he pees on them. I met a little yellow Dragon Turtle and when she saw two used towels on the floor she also dug around with her duck feet there and peed on the towels, so this is a species behavior.

Dragon Turtles are very fragrant, I would describe Hamish's scent as the smell of vomit, pancreas enzymes (if you ever worked in a lab to know), old cheese. Hamish himself is fond of his own smell, it is to him a reassuring comforting smell like the smell of home.

Hamish used to act very dominating and fierce when we first got to know each other, but overall Dragon Turtles come across as very sweet and gentle.


Dragon Turtles have a rich language, both body language and vocal language.

Eyelids are used to communicate, this is same for modern Reptilians. Lowering the upper eyelids diagonally down so that the eyelid is slanting downward as you go from the inner corner of the eyes toward the outer corner, it means that the Dragon is feeling happy and kind. Raising the lower eyelids horisontally upward to halfway across the eyes is laughter or feeling amused. A combination of upper eyelids diagonally and lower eyelids horisontally, not closing the eyes fully, is a very humble smile like a blush.

Displaying the blunt head buttons by turning around so that they can be seen and the eyes can not be seen, is a reminder of power and means that he is reprimanding or being angry and serious. Showing the back hump is done often and has to do with a sense of identity but also reminder of significance and status. Swaying the head slowly left to right, left to right a few times means that the Dragon is saying it is happy and content. The back hump can also be swayed side to side to show it off.

Stepping with the flat duck feet up and down while standing in one place does not seem to be a communication, but rather that the Dragon enjoys the sensations underneath its feet, I suspect it in Hamish also to be masturbation since this is how their mating starts, it is also related to nest building because they build a nest by stomping the nest site when they build it. Wiping the feet backwards while staying in one place is probably also not a communication, but rather the Dragon wiping its feet clean!

When Hamish is serious about showing power he can turn a darker red color and he spreads his fingers wide and arches his back hump higher up, then he might also sway his back from side to side slowly and turn around slowly in one spot. If he opens his mouth wide open and faces toward someone then he is showing power and it is a rude mocking because the mouth relates to eating so he is saying that he would eat you which is ridiculing and minimizing the other one.

Opening and closing the mouth a little several times slowly means that the Dragon likes and approves of something and is pleased with something.

It is normal that a Dragon Turtle looks straight into someone's eyes. We humans are not used to such direct eyecontact, but this is part of how Dragon Turtles can talk. However Dragon Turtles do not look at each other's faces as much as we humans do, instead they are most often content with just showing their back, color, and blunt buttons if they have them.

Vocal communication consists of clicks, goose horn sound, grunts, growls, purs, and other sounds, all made with their mouth. From Hamish's language:

Tik - palate click - means a happy yes and approval
Tik Tok - a series of two different tone clicks - means mating approval or request
Tok Tok Tok - roof of the mouth low-pitch clicks, means "come here to me"
Tok - one Tok means "I am here now with you"

There are also many other sounds. The goose horn is a horrible sound like a goose screaming or a horn alarm, it means a strong disapproval from the Dragon, fortunately they only rarely make the sound. Growls and purrs seem to both mean content.

"I am afraid of fire, tell them that." - Hamish, July 2, 2017, 7:57 PM

Hamish is afraid of fire, needles, carved pumpkin faces, and pieces of broken glass.

Crustacean ancestors

Hamish tells me often that his ancestor was a large crustacean, and he has also shown me mental images of this crustacean. It was large but flat and lived in shallow water where its flat back was just beneath the water's surface. It had the bright fire engine red color and the blunt orange head buttons, it is very clear to see and it is a perplexing sight and perhaps warns and confuses predators who look down on it from above the water. It had two large yellow eyes and some crustacean-like arms and legs. Hamish is very defensive, tender and compassionate toward crustaceans for that reason, to shrimp, crabs, langoustines, lobsters, he wants to protect them, and he sometimes tells me that he is a crustacean.

My Dragon Turtles

Hamish has been living with me since 2011 and he is guarding my eggs from being stolen by the Reptilians of other alien teams. I have also met a male yellow Dragon Turtle, and gotten to know a red female named Susanna, and then there was a yellow Dragon Turtle female. Hamish's mother was red, and his father is mustard yellow. I am very fond of Dragon Turtles. "Yes, but tell them that we are not pets.", Hamish July 2, 2017, 8:00 PM. "And, show them my back, please show them a picture of it.", Hamish says and turns around to show his back, 8:00 PM.