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I encountered this alien on September 16 2018 in the evening when I had gone to bed. Zeta Reticulans were talking to me telepathically about wanting me to teach hybrid children about sex and I was calling the Zetas pedophiles and satan and the devil so we were having an argument. The Zetas seemed to leave me alone and nothing more happened that I know of, we just had this verbal disagreement and argument. Then I saw a mental image which first depicted a human man who was wearing a hat which when I look it up on the internet is called a cap, it was a casual style of cap and not part of a uniform, I think a kind of gray color and actually unusual to ever see in real life. After what seemed like less than a second the image of the man who had the cap transformed into... an alien who was still wearing the cap in the image.

I did not get to have a conversation with the alien. It was of a brand new species that I do not recall having seen before. The mental image was perfectly clear and the image of the alien lasted for a couple of seconds. The drawing I have made here is very detailed and is a good depiction of what I saw because the image lasted for long enough and was clear enough. I went into cooing and telling the alien that it was so cute, it was really beautiful and adorable to see.

A conversation right now

We have not been made in any experiments. We just want to be left alone. - the Caucasus alien says now, September 17 2018, 9:56 PM
We don't want you to come here looking for us. And that is because, we do not want to be found. Not by anyone, mind you! So take your long hair and go away. And yes indeed, we seem to be hiding here in the Caucasus mountains. We do not want to be found. By anyone. So, please leave us. We are hiding in the Caucasus. - Caucasus alien
I would never harm you or come to find you. But that being said, do stay away from humans. - me
Oh, we know about all that. - Caucasus alien
We want you to bring us, peace now. - Caucasus alien
I bring you peace. That is a good idea. I want you to have peace, and safety. I am a friendly person. I would never harm you, but do not trust other humans please. - me
I want you to come here to Caucasus to live with me. I have never been friendly with by anyone. I wanted you to stay. Please, and please I really mean it come to the Caucasus with me! I don't have a single friend. I am all alone and lonely. I would like to be with you more. - Caucasus alien
No you would not, you dimwit. - Dark Lord to the Caucasus alien
I would like to visit you. How do I get there, to your mountain? It is far away. - me
No, leave them alone, you dimwit. - Dark Lord to me it seems
I would like you to come to our hospitals first. - Zeta Reticulan to me
I would like that too. When can I go there? Can I come this evening? - me
Yes we have prepared for you. And leave this being alone that you were talking to. They are not going to be your friends anymore. And they are not shy to you. They need to be asked to leave. They were not with your alien. They were not a friendly species, therefore. - Zeta Reticulan
Leave us alone, we need her for hybrids. - Zeta to Caucasus alien, either "leave her alone" or "leave us alone" I forgot
Zeta, what kind of a species is that? - me
They were left alone for millennia, and then they evolved. And they have changed to something bad. They cannot reproduce anymore, and so, they have asked us for help. - Zeta to me
We are willing to help! - Pleiadian woman hollers cheerfully, wanting to help the Caucasus aliens
So if these people have changed, what were they before those changes? - me
A quite a simple and humble being. - Caucasus alien
We have been, left here by our mothers. And, who then they never came back. And we waited for them for a long time! And, right here, in the Caucasus! - Caucasus alien
Who were your mothers? - me
The Rhynchus, was it not. - Hamish meaning that it was not the Rhynchus meaning Hamish's species
Alpha Delta Zeta! - a Zeta says clearly and loud, emphasizing on the "Zeta" (Alpha Delta means their pyramid Delta group, Zeta means Zeta Reticulans)


The alien appears bipedal and tall, the skin is smooth and looks to be very soft and has a pale gray-beige color. The skin texture does not have any visible bumps or scales or any such texture. The head looks soft and vulnerable as if it would buckle in easily if injured. It has two eyes and a mouth and possibly two nostrils. There are many lines on the face as drawn. I only saw the head and shoulders region in the mental image.

First conversation was earlier actually

After I had drawn the alien today, which is the day after the first visual encounter of the alien in the mental image, I then had to come up with a name for this new species. I was unable to come up with a name and that is the reason why I attempted telepathic contact with it. To my surprise the alien was very hostile and dismissive in our conversation, he was very angry that I had contacted him and he started talking about "lobotomy" which I know from Agenda aliens is basically that if they ever wanted to or had to, they could dismantle a person's telepathic abilities by doing something to the brain, which sounds horrible I know. Other Agenda aliens have talked about "lobotomy" before, let's just say that some Agenda species are fussy and should not be bothered when they do not want to talk.

I apologised to the alien and I informed him that I only needed to ask for his name or for the name of his species or population, to know what they are called. He and also no one else told me of a name for his species, but then the alien told me that they are hiding in the Caucasus mountains, and so I decided that for lack of any better name I would call this species the Caucasus alien, after the mountains where they reside. This is the first time that I know of that I hear of aliens residing in the Caucasus mountains. I know of aliens in several other mountains across Earth, usually I keep those locations a secret in order to protect the security of the aliens. It is a common theme that alien species reside in mountains on Earth.

The Caucasus alien confides in me a few minutes later this evening that the mothers who had created his kind and then left him were the Anunnaki. I tell the Caucasus alien that I like the Anunnaki that they have made many beautiful species such as the Alpha Draconian Reptilians also.

At 10:37 PM this evening he says: "I am not a Basilisk, but you could have called me that also.", he said to me in my other language. The Basilisk is an alien species sometimes mentioned by Dark Lords. I will continue to refer to this species as the Caucasus alien, as I suspect that the Basilisk is different from the Caucasus alien.

A minute later I see a mental image of military who wear camouflage uniforms which have a coloration that is beige in the background and with light beige and green patches, the Caucasus alien was telling me something about these military and I had a sense that the alien meant that these local military have told the aliens not to leave the area which the aliens have there in the mountains.

Note how I am good at befriending aliens that are initially hostile. This often happens, that an Agenda alien is initially verbally hostile toward me, but I treat them with kindness and sugar and spice and they end up inviting me to their home and we form a lifelong friendship.

The Caucasus mountains

The Caucasus mountains are located in between Russia and Turkey, on the right side of this map. West from the Caucasus mountains is the Black Sea, and further west from the Black Sea is Europe.