Encounter: Taken to the field

(Encounter with astral Altair.) When I was younger I had a wonderful close encounter with an astral Altair man. I was aged somewhere between 15-20 and it was around in the late 1990's. I woke up in the middle of the night in my bed in my room and there was a visitor in my room with me. He was tall and large almost like a giant, with broad shoulders and long legs too. He had long chocolate brown hair, his skin was orange, the face was long and had no shape of sunken in cheeks but rather the face was all smoothed out. His eyes were small and set slightly wide apart, all brown and almond shaped and slightly slanted.

He wore long wide white pants, white boots, long-sleeve white shirt or jacket, the clothing was loose fit rather than tight. He had a golden orange colored belt around his waist and a golden orange belt diagonally across his chest.

He picked me up in his arms and carried me to the window of my room. He stood there by the window for a while, I could sense that he was using his mind to process the act for us of going through the window and wall. He floated us through the closed window and down to the ground. I was on the first floor up from ground level. Carrying me in his arms, he brought me out to a field which I felt could have been not too many kilometers from my house. It was a field with just trampled or tilled brown mud and no crops. He laid me down on the ground, and I was on my back on the ground as he stood next to me. Several Altair spaceships that appeared to be white glowing spheres flew across the sky above us. The Altair man looked up at the sky and I knew that he was looking for the right one. He found the right one and I presume that he and I would have gone into that Altair ship together but I cannot remember more than that.

This encounter happened on the astral plane, which is a parallel universe to our physical plane. When humans are asleep, we experience dreams and wander around in the astral plane. Interestingly humans are capable of learning, or experiencing, lucid dreaming, which is when a person is fully awake and conscious in the astral plane.

Although I could not recall having had the conversations with the Altair, I still came to know many things about them. About how the men marry older women when the men are about 14 years of age and the women are about 20 years of age, because it takes the women longer to learn the skills needed for married life. That the Altair are very protective of their women who stay at home while the men can travel the universe. Also I did not perhaps recall having been told the name Altair for them, but anyhow I knew that they were Altair, and that Altair was an important and wonderful part of my journey through life.

Without remembering specifically how or why, I came to regard the Altair as having taken part in raising me and teaching me. I still today consider them as family, and I still do say that I was raised in part by Altair.

Altair people have been a part of my life always. Their interaction with me is kept at a minimal but they have been around for support and are one of the many benevolent alien races who guard and guide me. The Altair people are one of the most wonderful people in the universe.

Encounter: Brothers of Man

(Encounter with small Altair.) On the night between January 9 and 10, 2014, I had a vivid dream encounter with two men from Altair. I traveled in the astral realm, which is where we supposedly go when we sleep, into a parallel universe next to ours in daily life, and I was at the garage parking building near to where I grew up as a child. I peeked over a concrete wall, and there were two alien men there. The men were from Altair.

The men were shorter in height than humans, maybe about the size of a 10-year old child in height. Their skin is a golden orange tan, the skin is thick, not thin like human skin. Their facial features are very peculiar. The noses were pointy in an odd way. Their eyes are small and all brown, and they have brown hair. They wore clothing that they proudly if not awkwardly demonstrated to me before anything else was said between us. Their clothing came in two pieces, and they had no underwear under it. A kind of dark red or rusty brown cloak, and pants.

I woke up from that encounter and would fall back to sleep in several sets as I slept through the morning hours until way past noon. Each time when I woke up, I would return from another dream where I was entered to learn to serve in the military. In one dream I was one of four army recruits, myself and three men. We were trecking through the snow, things like that. And when I woke up, Russian Korpral Olav Vetti was talking to me.

Now what is interesting, in telepathic communication when I was awake and back in my home, the military was training me to serve them, and they were wanting me to obtain descriptions on how to build alien spacecraft. The interesting part however is, that the Altair men, when I was awake, were still talking to me and they wanted to teach humanity via me how to build spacecraft so that humans can visit them in space. The Altair men want to live side by side closely with humans and they consider humans to be their brothers. They really long to live life with humans!

The Altair men also told me that they have very short lifespans, about 40 years only, so each Altair man feels eager and agitated to get his deeds done. They don't want to waste time in not getting things done or in saying things that aren't meaningful. I told him that I was told by them when I was a child that the Altair men marry their wives at an early age, about the age of 14, so I understood that they are in a hurry to live life. They also said that their women and children are at home, and this is another feature of Altair people that I remember being taught in my childhood - only the men travel, and women are left home with the children.

The Altair men told me about their sun, and they told me that their planet spins very fast, much faster than Earth! That was the reason for their physical appearance, they said, the fact that their planet spins fast. Their planet has at least three moons, or actually four but the fourth one was very small, they said, and they say the moons contribute to spinning their planet so fast.

The Altair men wanted me to present to humanity from them the designs on how to construct hydrogen fuel. I told them that humans already have hydrogen fueled cars but the problem is that the gas tanks can explode, and I asked them did they have any suggestions on better design for safety? They didn't say. But they really insisted that humanity can receive designs for how to live in an endless abundance of energy, and they want humans to build spacecraft by their design so that humans can join them in space in brotherhood. I told them I don't think humans are ready, that humans will use any technology whatsoever for warfare and that humans aren't ready for space. I am surprised that the Altair men are so eager to have humans join the galactic family. I may in fact in the future record their messages and have those presented to humanity, I am however still hesitant that humans would be ready.

What confused me was how Korpral Olav Vetti of the Russians was involved seemingly at the same time. It is an intrigue, and not all of it has yet been revealed to me. I was however ever so pleased to be with the Altair men again. They told me that they have made an agreement with me before I incarnated to Earth that they would always be with me, and that in return I would help them do their work here on Earth too. The Altair men have always been with me in my life on Earth.

Encounter: Familiar visit

(Encounter with astral Altair.) On the night between August 31 and September 1 2017, in the early morning hours actually since I stayed up late until almost 5 AM working on this website, I saw in another dimension a familiar figure. It was one of the Altair men in astral form.

Astral refers to the astral plane which is a parallel universe to our physical plane. Humans supposedly visit the astral plane when we dream at night. The astral plane can be used for easy means of traveling with out of body experiences. When I was a teenager the Altair men were part of my life and they or someone else similar were teaching me out of body experiences and astral travel.

But last night I recognized the familiar figure. The astral Altair man is tall and with wide shoulders. He wears white clothing. The skin is orange, they have long brown hair and small almond shaped all brown eyes. He told me about the time that they took me out to the field, he showed me images of that scene and I even recognized the field. I told him that I remember. I talked to him about how much they have meant to me, I told him that I grew up with them and that they are my brothers, that they have shared with me gifts of themselves that became a part of my heart and of who I am, that part of who I am was given to me by them. I actually consider the Altair to have raised me and been in part my parents.

I think I was meant to have an astral journey with them. Before I saw him, as I was going to bed, I did notice that I was about to have an out of body experience, which usually never happens. So coincidentally the astral Altair man (and they once did take me out on a journey) showed up and reminded me of that time in the past. Or, that I was about to have an astral journey and the Altair man came to me for that reason to be there for me if that happens.

The Altair man told me that I could take a photograph of them and that they know the kind of jobs I am going to be applying to and they do not want me working there they would rather that I get money by taking a photograph of them, they said it is possible to photograph them and that it has been done by people before. (The job in question is a job I had at a factory which is a bad job because it is accident prone, just yesterday I talked to a friend and to a family member about taking that job back for a short time while I look for other better jobs.) If I have a photograph of an Altair of course I would write about it, but there is no photo at this time so do not worry.

Encounter: Altair man
astral Altair
Click on drawing for a larger view


Altair hand seen November 28 2017

Seen November 28 2017
Click for closeup image

Seen November 28 2017
Click for closeup of image

(Encounter with astral Altair.) November 28 2017. I was in bed for the night but still awake. It was evening close to midnight and quite unexpected I saw in a mental image a familiar figure, that of an astral Altair man. He looked like how I remember them. Tall, with long legs and somewhat broad shoulders, built a bit like a giant but with that comforting safe feeling like a big brother who you would just want to have a hug from and not at all frightening. He wore the long white pants and white long-sleeve shirt or jacket which is loose fit and not tight. He had a golden yellow orange belt around the waist, the belt was made out of a firmer material which resembles a bit the look of hard plastic, and it had a small box of the same color attached on his right side on the belt on the front. I think he had a diagonal golden yellow orange colored belt strap that went diagonally across the chest unless I am remembering that wrong (writing this now on December 2), but since I did not draw the diagonal strap when I made the drawing of him within minutes of first seeing him, the diagonal strap was probably not there.

For the first time I got a really close look at the Altair man's hand. It has of course the same orange skin color. The hand has got three fingers. One finger sits a bit to the side reminding of a thumb. The two fingers that are closer to each other are rectangular shaped like french fries and they fit next to each other well. Noteworthy is that the pink squid walrus Vega also has a similar make of fingers and toes with rectangular fit digits.

On his left side of the chest on the clothing was an emblem which I have drawn. It consists of a red circle, and there is a red curved V-shape in the circle, the pointy ends of the V-shape extend up outside of the boundaries of the circle. Inside the circle and on the V are depicted the three planets that belong to the Altair. I learned about these three planets in this encounter, described further ahead. The planets seemed to be yellow, but at the same time they clearly had blue water and green forested land making them look like planet Earth with the green continents surrounded by water. I could see the blue water glittering from behind trees. While I was drawing the picture of the Altair world, see below, I was uncertain whether I had seen that the atmosphere or sky would be blue or yellow and I was leaning on making it yellow but decided anyway to make it blue. Hence, it could be that the Altair world or Altair worlds have a yellow sky, blue water, and green forests.

What I saw for the first time when encountering an astral Altair, was that surrounding him and especially to his right side in the mental image I was seeing of him, there were light pixelated in the air around him. It looked like square shaped pixel marble confetti of red that had blue and green next to the red ones, but most of the pixels were red ones. I have put a representation of this pixelated colored light on the drawing of the Altair.

He showed me a mental image of his home world. The white structure to the left in the drawing that I made, see the drawings below, it is a built structure, whose shape reminds me of the shape of the V on the emblem on his clothing although turned the other way around and I seemed to think there would be a connection but no such connection can be confirmed at this time other than my suspicion. This large white structure is very large, and on the upper part of it there is a large flat platform, it really looked like a landing site for flying vehicles to land on that platform up above, that is the only function that I could imagine it having, as would it not otherwise have a railing if it were just a balcony? Further below on the right in the picture you see some of the white buildings of a city which were on the other side of the water. There were many white peaks of buildings to be seen.

The Altair world had blue sparkling water, and lots of green forest of trees! The sky was either blue or yellow, I want to recall that it was a yellow sky but I do not remember. In the drawing you see the three moons or planets which belong to the Altair, they are all visible from the sky although the third one to the left the farthest out one is more faint to be seen. The one most to the right is the one that is closest to this world and is perhaps also the biggest. I could feel from the Altair man even though he did not have to say it, that there is a feeling of affection toward those three moons or planets in the sky, they love those places, it has a feeling not just like home but a feeling like family to those planets. These three planets are depicted on the emblem worn on their chest. (Unless the world that I drew would be one of the three meaning that there would be one less in the sky.)

He told me that humanity needs to take care of its trees, that trees are the hope. That was his message to humanity. The military didn't want me to talk to the Altair man and were saying things telepathically to me trying to kindly but a bit firmly have me cease the contact and communication to the Altair man. Then after a while Jack or a military man asked me if I would talk to the Altair on their behalf because "no one" is able to talk to them they said. I could sense some tension and I understood that the Altair are good people of good principles and that the Altair would be refusing to communicate with Earth military at least to the extent that the military would like to, and that the military feel helpless in trying to form a functioning relationship with the Altair. This would be because Altair are "good guys" and military can be regarded by highly benevolent extraterrestrials as "bad guys".

The Altair man said to me that they are my Brothers. When at one point I mentioned something kind toward the Altair Brothers and Sisters, the Altair man got serious and he said that I was not allowed to mention the Sisters meaning the women of Altair because as he said the Altair have fought wars over their women before, so I was to refer to his people as Brothers only. Ever since I was a young woman and I first got the astral Altair into my life even though I cannot recall when it would have been stated to me by them, I have always known how very strictly the Altair men are protective of their women.

The Altair man talked to Hamish, and also about Hamish. Hamish is my Draconian reptile and Hamish was in my home at the time. One of the things the Altair man said was that there are no chairs that are good to him meaning good to this Altair man but that that one meaning Hamish sure likes to sit. It is true that Hamish really enjoys sitting on a sofa!

The Altair man wanted to take me along to their world to see it. To have a proper encounter and visit with the Altair one would have to enter into the astral world in what I presume would be carried out much as a lucid dream or astral projection or astral travels. I do not recall us having such an astral visit and this is pretty much all there was to his visit, and I was happy to see him. Another thing that was expressed during his visit is that I also learned that the astral Altair and the Ummo extraterrestrial people are very close friends and allies.

The Altair man made an impression of being a bit intimidating and as one who demands respect. I felt not only from my reactions to him but especially from the a bit nervous military and NASA team Jack that one has to be careful what one says or does around the astral Altair so as to not disappoint them or to make them angry. Even I felt a bit jittery when the Altair man informed me not to speak of their women the Sisters. It felt as if the Altair might be a powerful military force themselves, and that they have strong principles. But it is to be noted that the astral Altair are wonderfully kind and benevolent people, they even care about trees.

I made these drawings based on the encounter: